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at Maynooth University

Product designers are key to innovation in the modern world. As technological competence spreads globally, businesses are placing greater focus on achieving market success through design.

Design Innovation at Maynooth University is a department of interdisciplinary expertise that combines industrial, entrepreneurial and academic excellence in Design. We are focussed on developing research and user-centred, applied practitioners that create impact through design innovation in industries across Ireland and Europe.
We distinguish ourselves from other design courses by placing an emphasis on research methods, user-experience, marketing, business models and the commercial justification of new product proposals, as well as core science and engineering subjects.

About: About
Iain Macdonald - Design.jpg

When you see the creativity and human-centred problem solving of our students, I am sure it will lift your spirits to see their resilience and positive action as design innovators and entrepreneurs, equipped for post-pandemic world.

Dr. Iain Macdonald.

Head of Department Design Innovation

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